Kartit - HP 2061
Discard from comparison
Other material names : tvrdený papier, kartit, pertinax
Material group:
Electrical insulation materials
Boards made of cellulose paper as reinforcement and modified phenolic - phenol - formaldehyde resin as binder. High electrical and mechanical strength.
Typical applications:
- Construction and insulation material (transformers, enclosures, substations, ...)
- Insulating partitions.
The material is used in:
Electrotechnical industry
Material availability:
Material in stock at the manufacturer
Trade names unprotected reg. mark:
tvrdený papier, kartit, pertinax
Engineering plastics and their products can be ordered from TechPlasty. Materials in the same group from different manufacturers are not always directly interchangeable because they may not all have the same technical parameters. Our technical consultants, who have many years of experience in the field of engineering plastics, will be pleased to advise you on the differences in the individual materials, especially in the boundary conditions. Detailed technical data of individual manufacturers' materials can be found in their data sheets.