Content for comparison

Material resistant to 1000 °C

Material resistant to 1000 °C

Discard from comparison
Other material names MO1000: asbestos-free cement
Material group: 
Heat-resistant materials

The material is a high density calcium silicate material reinforced with selected fibers. It has excellent thermal properties and dimensional stability up to 1000 °C.


Typical applications: 
  • insulating boards
  • insulating elements
  • casting cores
The material is used in: 
Electrotechnical industry
Glass industry
  • dimensional stability
  • mechanical temperature strength
  • nonflammable
  • well machinable
  • chemical resistant
  • non-asbestos


Material availability: 
Material in stock at the manufacturer
Some trade names of the material
Dotherm® 1000
Trade names unprotected reg. mark: 
asbestos-free cement