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Fluorosint® Enhanced PTFE

POM-H - polyacetal homopolymer

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Other material names POM-H: Polyoxymethylene, Polyformaldehyde
Material group: 

POM-H is a homopolymer acetal.This homopolymer acetal has exceptional sliding characteristics and good wear resistance properties. In comparison to POM-C, POM-H has a slightly higher density, hardness and strength due to its higher crystallinity. In addition, POM-H has good electrical insulating properties, as well as exceptional machining characteristics, making POM-H one of the most versatile engineering materials available today.

Color of material: 
Typical applications: 
  • precise and dimensionally stable elements
The material is used in: 
Food industry
Electrotechnical industry
Automobile industry
Engineering industry
  • high strength
  • good slide and wear properties
  • electrically insulating
  • difficult to bond
  • good chemical resistance
  • good machinability
  • easy to polish


Material availability: 
Material in stock at the manufacturer

Group of materials POM:

Some trade names of the material
Tecaform® AD
Murytal® H
Akulon® POM H
Ertacetal® H
Trade names unprotected reg. mark: 
Polyoxymethylene, Polyformaldehyde